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How to add Facebook Feed Widget to Blogger - Shaon Tech News

To add a Facebook feed widget to your Blogger blog, you can follow these steps:

  • First, log in to your Facebook account and go to the Facebook Developer page.
  • Click on the "Get Started" button under the "Build Connected Experiences" section.
  • Create a new Facebook app by following the prompts on the screen.
  • Once you have created your Facebook app, you will need to generate an access token. Click on the "Tools & Support" tab and then select "Access Token Tool."
  • Generate an access token by following the prompts on the screen. Make sure to select the appropriate permissions for your app.
  • Copy the access token to your clipboard.
  • Next, log in to your Blogger account and go to the "Layout" section.
  • Click on "Add a Gadget" and then select "HTML/JavaScript."
  • Paste the following code into the "Content" field:
<div class="fb-page" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/[YourFacebookPageName]/" data-tabs="timeline" data-width="[WidgetWidth]" data-height="[WidgetHeight]" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"></div>

Make sure to replace [YourFacebookPageName] with the name of your Facebook page and [WidgetWidth] and [WidgetHeight] with the desired dimensions for your widget.
  • Save the gadget and preview your blog to see the Facebook feed widget in action.
Note: You can also customize the appearance of the Facebook feed widget by modifying the values of the various data attributes in the code. For example, you can hide the face pile or change the height of the widget.

2nd Method To Add Facebook Widget To Blogger Website?

1. log in to Your Blogger Dashboard.
2. Select the Layout Option.
3. Slider Right Option > Add a Gadget Button Click
4. Click To Add> HTML/JavaScript
5. Add Your Title and Pase The Code.


<div id="sneeit-blogger-fb-root"></div>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
/*page-url-s*/var pageUrl = 'https://www.facebook.com/shaonkumarsarker1';/*page-url-e*/
  /*page-name-s*/var pageName = 'Shaon Tech News';/*page-name-e*/
  /*data-width-s*/var dataWidth = 300;/*data-width-e*/
  /*data-height-s*/var dataHeight = 70;/*data-height-e*/
  /*data-header-s*/var dataSmallHeader = false;/*data-header-e*/
  /*data-adapt-s*/var dataAdaptContainerWidth = false;/*data-adapt-e*/
  /*data-cover-s*/var dataHideCover = false;/*data-cover-e*/
  /*data-face-s*/var dataShowFacePile = false;/*data-face-e*/
  /*data-tabs-s*/var dataTabs = 'timeline';/*data-tabs-e*/
(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];  

  /*appId-s*/var appId = '1398960617292561';/*appId-e*/

  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
  js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/SDK.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.6&appId="+appId;
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

var parent_width = document.getElementById("sneeit-blogger-fb-root").offsetWidth;
if (parent_width > 0 && dataAdaptContainerWidth) {
dataWidth = parent_width;

document.write('<div class="fb-page" data-href="'+pageUrl+'" data-tabs="'+dataTabs+'" data-width="'+dataWidth+'" data-height="'+dataHeight+'" data-small-header="'+dataSmallHeader+'" data-adapt-container-width="'+dataAdaptContainerWidth+'" data-hide-cover="'+dataHideCover+'" data-show-facepile="'+dataShowFacePile+'"><blockquote cite="'+pageUrl+'" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="'+pageUrl+'">'+pageName+'</a></blockquote></div>');

Note: Please Change "shaonkumarsarker1" To Replace Your Facebook Page Or Facebook Profile User Name.

Why do we add Facebook Feed Widget to Blogger?

Adding a Facebook feed widget to a Blogger blog can provide several benefits, including:

  • Increase engagement: By adding a Facebook feed widget, you can encourage your blog readers to engage with your Facebook page and stay up-to-date with your latest updates and posts.
  • Social proof: Displaying your Facebook feed on your blog can provide social proof and help establish credibility. It shows that you are active on social media and have a following.
  • Cross-promotion: By promoting your Facebook page on your blog, you can increase your reach and drive traffic to your Facebook page, which can ultimately help you grow your social media following.
  • Personalization: Adding a Facebook feed widget can also add a personalized touch to your blog, making it feel more authentic and human. It can help your readers connect with you on a more personal level.

Overall, adding a Facebook feed widget to your Blogger blog can be an effective way to increase engagement, establish credibility, and drive traffic to your social media pages.

Thank You For Visiting My Website.

How to add Facebook Feed Widget to Blogger - Shaon Tech News How to add Facebook Feed Widget to Blogger - Shaon Tech News Reviewed by Shaon Kumar Sarker on March 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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